A month following the issuance of BKPM Regulation No. 5 of 2019 (“Reg 5/2019”) last July (please click here for further information on Reg 5/2019), BKPM together with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia recently announced a new policy that simplifies the requirements for limited stay visa (visa tinggal terbatas) application.
The new policy, which is confirmed by BKPM to have taken effect as of 2 September 2019, will bring increased flexibility to foreign shareholders where they are not obliged to fulfil the limited stay visa application requirement as mandated by Article 48 of Reg 5/2019, which requires foreign nationals to obtain a recommendation from BKPM before applying for a limited stay visa.
Accordingly, as of the above effective date, applicants can directly apply for a limited stay visa to the Directorate General of Immigration via its website (https://visaonline.imigrasi.go.id/online/) without first having to obtain BKPM’s recommendation.
Officials at BKPM have confirmed that this new policy has been practically implemented and that BKPM intends to amend Reg 5/2019 to reflect the new policy.
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