W&P and N&A gave a seminar on Indonesian offshore loans, Indonesian security interests and Indonesian P2P practices to more than 35 representatives of Japanese banks and companies in Singapore on 14 November 2018, held at the Japanese Association Singapore. Mr. Luky Walalangi, managing partner of W&P, elaborated the challenges of creation and enforcement of Indonesian security interests and shared some practical solutions and inputs from his past experience, and Ms. Miriam Andreta, a partner of W&P, explained the various requirements for banks to extend offshore loans to Indonesian borrowers and shared some insights into recent developments in Indonesian financing. At the end of the session, W&P’s associates Mr. Hans Adiputra, Ms. Siti Kemala Nuraida and Mr. Wisnu Renansyah Jenie described the rapid growth of P2P practices in Indonesia, its regulatory requirements and market study. The seminar was lively, and the attendees raised various interesting practical questions. In the written feedback given by the attendees, we are humbled as the seminar was praised by the attendants to be “beyond expectations”.