To maximize the implementation of the PSBB policy during the COVID-19 pandemic and to transition into the “new normal”, the Minister of Health has just issued a new Ministerial Decree No. HK.01.07/MENKES/328/2020 concerning Guidelines for COVID-19 Prevention and Control in Office and Industrial Workplace Settings to Support Business Sustainability during a Pandemic (“Guidelines”).
The Guidelines apply to all private companies, government agencies, state-owned enterprises, provincial and regency/city health agencies, and imposes certain requirements at the workplace during and after the PSBB.
To help the clients easily understand all requirements under the Guidelines, we have analysed and summarized the Guidelines into “dos” and “don’ts”, which each client must carefully observe before resuming activities. The Guidelines do not provide specific sanctions or measures as of now for non-compliance.
Measures by the employer | During PSBB | After PSBB |
Form an internal COVID-19 Handling Team, to, among others, update work policies from time to time based on the Government of Indonesia’s instructions, to be comprised of:
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Implement a work from home policy. | ✔ | |
Conduct body temperature screenings at the entrance of the workplace, to be carried out by staff(s) equipped with face masks and face shields and properly trained in using temperature screening equipment. | ✔ | ✔ |
Require all employees to submit a self-assessment form using the prescribed form attached in the Guidelines, to be done one day prior to coming into the workplace. | ✔ | ✔ |
As much as practically possible, not schedule a working shift from midnight to morning. | ✔ | |
Require all employees to wear a face mask at the workplace. | ✔ | ✔ |
Ensure workplace hygiene (e.g. by spraying disinfectant). | ✔ | ✔ |
Enforce physical distancing (a minimum of one meter) among the employees. | ✔ | ✔ |
Add more hand washing facilities and hand sanitizer stations. | ✔ | ✔ |
Provide comprehensive information related to COVID-19. | ✔ | |
Prohibit any person (employees or guests) showing symptoms of fever, cough, flu, or throat pain from entering the workplace. | ✔ | |
Provide an observation and isolation area at the workplace. | ✔ | |
Provide a shuttle for the employees. The Guidelines are not clear as to whether this facility should be made available for all employees or can be limited to specific employees that meet certain criteria set by the employer. This matter requires further clarification by the Minister of Health. | ✔ | |
Enforce 14 days voluntary self-quarantine for employees returning from a business trip to a country/region infected by COVID-19. | ✔ | |
Report to either the community health center (pusat kesehatan masyarakat) or health agencies if an employee falls under any of these categories:
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If you have further inquiries about this newsletter, please reach out to us at or any of our lawyers.