Following the trend towards electronic licensing by the Indonesian Government, the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing recently issued Circular Letter No. 06/SE/M/2019 on Certificates of Business Entity (Sertifikat Badan Usaha, briefly “SBU”), Certificates of Expertise (Sertifikat Keahlian, briefly “SKA”) and Certificates of Work Skills (Sertifikat Keterampilan, briefly “SKTK”) (“Circular 6/2019”). Essentially, the new regulation provides for the electronic issuance of the afore-mentioned SBU, SKA, and SKTK (collectively, the “Certificates”) in a new format, using a special QR Code.
Prior to the issuance of Circular 6/2019, each of the Certificates was issued in physical form by the Construction Service Development Institution (Lembaga Pengembangan Jasa Konstruksi, briefly “LPJK”). However, Circular 6/2019 introduces a new mechanism for the electronic issuance of the Certificates through an application called Sistem Informasi Konstruksi Indonesia (“SIKI”), making it much easier and less time-consuming for construction service companies or individuals to obtain the digitally-issued Certificates. The introduction of the SIKI application by the LPJK for the issuance of such digital Certificates is also intended to ensure the orderly administration and transparency of the issuance process and to minimize falsification of the Certificates.
Circular 6/2019 takes effect on the day of its promulgation, i.e., 8 March 2019. However, all existing Certificates issued prior to 8 March 2019 or those that have not been converted into digital Certificates in the new format remain valid until 30 September 2019.
Accordingly, by 30 September 2019 all construction service companies or individuals must convert all their existing Certificates into the new digital Certificates, which are electronically issued through the SIKI application, as mandated by Circular 6/2019.
Below are the procedures for the issuance of digital Certificates and conversion of the old paper Certificates into the new digital Certificates, as mandated by Circular 6/2019.
Procedure for Issuance of Digital Certificates
Procedure for Conversion into Digital Certificates
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